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Global Oil Companies (GOC) IA Forum - 7th Edition (Occidental Petroleum Corporation - OXY)


The oil and gas industry has been going through unprecedented and dynamic changes in the market and the technological landscape, significantly affecting the risk outlook. A collaborative effort from Internal Audit functions of the leading global energy and oil and gas companies to learn from each other and advance to the future as one team, will be a big step in this direction. 

The Global Oil Companies (GOC) Internal Audit (IA) Forum, founded by ADNOC, aims to provide a structured platform for dialogue and debate on innovative internal audit practices. ADNOC’s objective is to establish a focused and easy channel of communication between the Internal Audit functions and enable an open discussion while respecting each other's confidentiality and Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) interests. 

In continuation of the GOC IA Forum series, we extend our gratitude to Occidental Petroleum Corporation (OXY) for hosting the forum’s 7th edition and welcome all members for another engaging discussion on a theme – Internal Audit and ESG – that has only become more relevant in recent times. 

The event will be virtual with structured 20-mins sessions, where we welcome members to share their journey, challenges and lessons learnt. 

7th Edition of GOC IA Forum by OXY
Thursday, 4 November 2021 (1500 – 1700 GST)

Click here to download the agenda and list of speakers.

Event Details

Nov 04, 2021 Thursday 03:00 PM - 05:00 PM