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Certifying Bodies

As part of the ICV program, Participating Entities have empaneled the certifying bodies listed below to verify all Suppliers ICV achievements.

Certifying Bodies

Certifying Bodies

The In-Country Value certificate is issued by one of the empanelled certifying bodies who shall assess, review and validate the ICV scores of suppliers. In order to ensure integrity and fairness, the certification process is performed according to an Agreed Upon Procedure between the Participating Entities and the Certifying bodies. Moreover, the process is governed and monitored by the participating entities. 
Suppliers are expected to complete the Certification Submission Template and approach one of the empanelled certifying bodies who are authorized to issue ICV certificates. The list of the authorized Certifying bodies is available in ICV Certifying Bodies List only suppliers in the list are authorized to issue the ICV certificate. Any certificate issued by a body other than the bodies listed is not authorized and shall not be accepted.