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Protecting Nature and Biodiversity

We believe that a healthy environment is essential to ensure an equitable, sustainable future for everyone.

To preserve our planet and conserve our nation’s biodiversity, cutting carbon emissions is just one part of the solution. That’s why our sustainability strategy also prioritizes initiatives and collaborations that protect and restore nature, alongside implementing nature-based solutions for climate change.

Planting millions of mangroves


Mangroves are an integral part of the UAE’s heritage and a promising nature-based solution for climate change. They absorb and store approximately five times more carbon than land-based forests in a process that can continue over thousands of years.

In addition to this vast sequestration potential, they are critical in preventing coastal erosion and are home to a diverse range of marine life.

In support of the UAE’s goal of planting 100 million mangroves by 2030, we are aiming to plant 10 million in this timeframe in close collaboration with Environment Agency – Abu Dhabi (EAD). We’re also speeding up this process through the power of drone technology, having aerially planted 2.5 million in 2023.

Conserving the environment

We are committed to protecting habitats, conserving endangered species and preserving the UAE’s precious environments.

We invest in initiatives to protect and restore nature, including in the areas in which we operate. Partnering with  EAD, we put protection measures in place in both onshore and offshore habitats for a range of wildlife including the Arabian oryx, hawksbill turtle, dugongs, and the millions of migratory birds that pass through Abu Dhabi each year.

One example of our efforts is at out Hail and Ghasha project, an offshore gas development located within the UNESCO-designated Marawah Marine Biosphere Reserve which we aim to operate with net-zero emissions.

To prevent potential impact, we conducted one of the UAE’s largest marine baseline surveys with EAD to establish a robust biodiversity monitoring program. We’ve also implemented measures such as installing a zero-discharge policy, building artificial fish habitats, developing a sea turtle rescue and rehabilitation program, and installing osprey nesting platforms.