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Global Trading of Refined Products

Global Trading of Refined Products

ADNOC Global Trading brings to market a range of ADNOC petroleum products, including diesel, gasoline, LPG, naphtha, biofuels, jet fuel, gas oil and fuel oil.

As well as trading the range of refined products, ADNOC Global Trading is active in the trade of third party barrels and derivatives.

We are active in the global market place to trade our refined light and middle distillate products to new and existing customers, as well as a broad range of financial market participants.

Our trading capabilities also meet demand growth for lower carbon intensive products such as trading in biofuels, supporting ADNOC’s commitment to having a lower carbon footprint and investing in tomorrow’s cleaner energies. 

Light Distillate




Middle Distillate

Jet Fuel
Gas Oil


Fuel Oil and Bunker

We follow the global refined products markets closely to identify trading opportunities to deliver the quality, properties and specifications our customers require.